Wind Power on the Thames Estuary

Another 300MW of offshore wind turbines is now in the planning pipeline – bringing the UK’s total (in planning) capacity to 1800MW.

New Wind Turbine

Wired News reports that Terra Moya Aqua in Wyoming have developed a new wind turbine which they claim is 43% – 45% efficient – compared with an efficiency ratio of 20% – 40% for a traditional turbine. The turbine is also claimed to be less noisy than other turbines and less of a hazard to birds.

Homebuilt Anemometer

If you are looking for an interesting little project to see whether or not your home might benefit from a wind turbine, why not build yourself an anemometer to get a better idea of your local wind speeds? Raphael Assénat did just that and has documented how he did it for your delectation.

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